I've been doing some thinking in between bursts of submitting applications for pedestrian jobs for shitty wages so I can pay my rent and bills which are piling up and threatening to reach critical mass. After answering the same ten questions in ten different ways time different times each, my brain cries out for stimulation, and I must oblige.
Lately the cause of militant atheism has become louder and more vocal, especially on the internet. Many attribute this to being just because on the internet, your balls are as big as the text you write in, but in truth it's because the internet is a giant open forum where the opinion of a million may be against you and the worst that can happen from this mob's outrage is a ban from a website or just a lot of trolling or textual flaming. In real life this is not true. I could not hope to stand in the middle of a street in Iraq, or Iran, or Afghanistan, or Pakistan, and scream and shout that Mohammed was a child-raping murderous sociopathic schizophrenic narcissistic basket case and expect to live for very long, but here, on the internet, I need fear no such reprisal. Sure, some may trace my IP somehow and become obsessed and find me but at least if they do, it'll be at my home, where I am armed and can at least see them coming in greater likelihood.
To my original point, I have heard from many moderate christians and muslims [if such a thing exists, and I am not convinced they do in any great number] and jews who say with a measure of disgruntled ire that atheists are getting louder and louder and shoving our not-belief in their face with greater, bolder volumes. You can scarcely find a comment on Epic Snaps or Trolino or demotivational or the dozens of other meme-based sites proclaiming some kind of god-praise without seeing four times as many people scorning the OP for his dim-witted fairy-tale burblings. This behavior seems to be rankling many. We're insulting them when they do not insult us, we are openly mocking people who've done no wrong to us, we're being mean, we're being dicks, and we're treating other people like shit.
And it needs to KEEP GOING. It needs to get LOUDER.
52% of Americans polled stated they would refuse to vote for a well-qualified president if he were an atheist. 40% stated atheists do not fit with their idea of American society. 48% said they would openly oppose their child marrying someone who is an atheist. These numbers put us AHEAD of every other group, including blacks, jews, and supposedly the most hated group in the US [muslims] by a sweeping majority. Atheists, however, in the US consist of 16% of the population. We are one of the largest "minorities" in the country. As Bill Maher pointed out, we are a larger group than jews, muslims, blacks, and gays. Yet somehow in the US Federal Senate, we have zero...ZERO representation. Yet jews, muslims, blacks, and gays, all have representation on a senatorial level. We are the most socially hated group, and we are the most openly hated group in this country, if not the entire fucking world, and yet for the longest time, we've been the most demure, quiet, polite, and respecting group of them all. We had no Rev. Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, no "atheist panthers" group proclaiming everyone else as just a bunch of haters to get in the faces of, like the blacks have. We have no organizational leaders openly proclaiming death threats against people for making cartoons of our political whips [such as Bill Maher or Stephen Hawking or Christopher Hitchens] in satirical fashion, no radical terrorist groups suicide-bombing marketplaces full of theists because they burned "god is not Great" or "The God Delusion" even though these things have happened, like the MUSlims have. We have received no reparations for the millenia of burnings at the stake, the forced confessionals at the hands of church-educated torture masters, the domination of mind, body, and "soul" by the agents of the Inquisition, or the millions of Americans forced to believe in god at a young age by parents, community leaders, state-funded schools before we are old enough to reason or consent for ourselves, like the blacks and indians have, or the Jews received after WWII in the form of Israel.
We are the most hated minority. We are the LARGEST minority. We are the QUIETEST minority. Even today we have to sit here and listen to idiots joining our forum boards intent on converting or "saving" us and blabbering about their idiotic dark-age-era mythical fairy tales not just because such people exist but because they exist in such vast fucking numbers and are accepted not only as the majority, but the ACCEPTED STATUS QUO. When we get pissed off, we don't whip out the knives and behead the infid- er, believers. We don't build home-made TNT, fashion them into crude explosive devices and blow up crowds of people. We don't go on shooting rampages, we don't hang people from trees while being dressed in sheets and burning a giant letter A in the field.
YOU KNOW WHAT WE DO?! WE BUY A FUCKING BILLBOARD, OR WE THROW "Unholy water" ON A 'sanctified highway'! We don't form street gangs called the "Compton Atheist Bloods/Crips," we form small protests where we largely sit around and quote Bill Maher and Chris Hitchens and other great freethinkers. And yet we're the most hated group in the country? The WORLD?
Well fuck all you theists. Everyone here on this board, if you're a theist, even a well-established, well-liked one, here's what I have to say:
FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCK. YYYYOOOOOUUUUU! Fuck you with a lacquered tour bus right in your uptight prudish cornholes! As far as I am concerned, there are two sides of the argument, just like in ALL arguments: The right side, and the wrong side. If you throw your lot in with the religious, then you've stated that you think we're wrong, and that whatever nice things you say are essentially a load of condescending BS and that you're merely tolerating us. And since that is the case, you're a fucking tool, a coward, unable to think for yourself, running on the same fuck-begotten treadmill of bullshit that billions of other tools just like you run on, bleating your little sheep bleat as you blindly gulp down and swallow whatever jizz-load of bullshit your religious overlords blow in your mouth! So go fuck yourself!
So yeah, next time one of you religious TWITS is whining about how atheists are "shoving nothing in your face," CAN IT, YOU LITTLE PUSSIES. We've been nice all these years, we've gotten nothing in exchange! You're upset that suddenly we're being loud, and we're being assholes?!
Sometimes...you really just gotta let it all out.
Lately the cause of militant atheism has become louder and more vocal, especially on the internet. Many attribute this to being just because on the internet, your balls are as big as the text you write in, but in truth it's because the internet is a giant open forum where the opinion of a million may be against you and the worst that can happen from this mob's outrage is a ban from a website or just a lot of trolling or textual flaming. In real life this is not true. I could not hope to stand in the middle of a street in Iraq, or Iran, or Afghanistan, or Pakistan, and scream and shout that Mohammed was a child-raping murderous sociopathic schizophrenic narcissistic basket case and expect to live for very long, but here, on the internet, I need fear no such reprisal. Sure, some may trace my IP somehow and become obsessed and find me but at least if they do, it'll be at my home, where I am armed and can at least see them coming in greater likelihood.
To my original point, I have heard from many moderate christians and muslims [if such a thing exists, and I am not convinced they do in any great number] and jews who say with a measure of disgruntled ire that atheists are getting louder and louder and shoving our not-belief in their face with greater, bolder volumes. You can scarcely find a comment on Epic Snaps or Trolino or demotivational or the dozens of other meme-based sites proclaiming some kind of god-praise without seeing four times as many people scorning the OP for his dim-witted fairy-tale burblings. This behavior seems to be rankling many. We're insulting them when they do not insult us, we are openly mocking people who've done no wrong to us, we're being mean, we're being dicks, and we're treating other people like shit.
And it needs to KEEP GOING. It needs to get LOUDER.
52% of Americans polled stated they would refuse to vote for a well-qualified president if he were an atheist. 40% stated atheists do not fit with their idea of American society. 48% said they would openly oppose their child marrying someone who is an atheist. These numbers put us AHEAD of every other group, including blacks, jews, and supposedly the most hated group in the US [muslims] by a sweeping majority. Atheists, however, in the US consist of 16% of the population. We are one of the largest "minorities" in the country. As Bill Maher pointed out, we are a larger group than jews, muslims, blacks, and gays. Yet somehow in the US Federal Senate, we have zero...ZERO representation. Yet jews, muslims, blacks, and gays, all have representation on a senatorial level. We are the most socially hated group, and we are the most openly hated group in this country, if not the entire fucking world, and yet for the longest time, we've been the most demure, quiet, polite, and respecting group of them all. We had no Rev. Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, no "atheist panthers" group proclaiming everyone else as just a bunch of haters to get in the faces of, like the blacks have. We have no organizational leaders openly proclaiming death threats against people for making cartoons of our political whips [such as Bill Maher or Stephen Hawking or Christopher Hitchens] in satirical fashion, no radical terrorist groups suicide-bombing marketplaces full of theists because they burned "god is not Great" or "The God Delusion" even though these things have happened, like the MUSlims have. We have received no reparations for the millenia of burnings at the stake, the forced confessionals at the hands of church-educated torture masters, the domination of mind, body, and "soul" by the agents of the Inquisition, or the millions of Americans forced to believe in god at a young age by parents, community leaders, state-funded schools before we are old enough to reason or consent for ourselves, like the blacks and indians have, or the Jews received after WWII in the form of Israel.
We are the most hated minority. We are the LARGEST minority. We are the QUIETEST minority. Even today we have to sit here and listen to idiots joining our forum boards intent on converting or "saving" us and blabbering about their idiotic dark-age-era mythical fairy tales not just because such people exist but because they exist in such vast fucking numbers and are accepted not only as the majority, but the ACCEPTED STATUS QUO. When we get pissed off, we don't whip out the knives and behead the infid- er, believers. We don't build home-made TNT, fashion them into crude explosive devices and blow up crowds of people. We don't go on shooting rampages, we don't hang people from trees while being dressed in sheets and burning a giant letter A in the field.
YOU KNOW WHAT WE DO?! WE BUY A FUCKING BILLBOARD, OR WE THROW "Unholy water" ON A 'sanctified highway'! We don't form street gangs called the "Compton Atheist Bloods/Crips," we form small protests where we largely sit around and quote Bill Maher and Chris Hitchens and other great freethinkers. And yet we're the most hated group in the country? The WORLD?
Well fuck all you theists. Everyone here on this board, if you're a theist, even a well-established, well-liked one, here's what I have to say:
FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCK. YYYYOOOOOUUUUU! Fuck you with a lacquered tour bus right in your uptight prudish cornholes! As far as I am concerned, there are two sides of the argument, just like in ALL arguments: The right side, and the wrong side. If you throw your lot in with the religious, then you've stated that you think we're wrong, and that whatever nice things you say are essentially a load of condescending BS and that you're merely tolerating us. And since that is the case, you're a fucking tool, a coward, unable to think for yourself, running on the same fuck-begotten treadmill of bullshit that billions of other tools just like you run on, bleating your little sheep bleat as you blindly gulp down and swallow whatever jizz-load of bullshit your religious overlords blow in your mouth! So go fuck yourself!
So yeah, next time one of you religious TWITS is whining about how atheists are "shoving nothing in your face," CAN IT, YOU LITTLE PUSSIES. We've been nice all these years, we've gotten nothing in exchange! You're upset that suddenly we're being loud, and we're being assholes?!
Sometimes...you really just gotta let it all out.