Theism doesn't corner the market on ignorance.
October 12, 2013 at 10:13 pm
(This post was last modified: October 12, 2013 at 10:17 pm by The Reality Salesman01.)
I love this Forum!
I just wanted to start with that. I've been in Key West FL for the past 12 days and while amazing, it's kept me from the trappings of what draws me to this forum time and time again. So, while there may only be a few of you that have noticed my absence, I just wanted to offer an explanation and assurance to whomever you may be...
While I enjoy the opportunity for the conversations and debates that this forum provides, it is not the only avenue through which I pursue them. I engage any, and in fact, everybody that holds a belief pertaining to a God. I have found these opportunities to be both entertaining and productive (in terms of opportunity). What I've noticed is that there is a clear and distinct similarity between Theists and Atheists.
On this forum, the Theists that have been here a while have heard all of the crippling objections to their beliefs, they can find no reconciliation for them, and opt for the fingers-in-the-ears method.
They have received thorough instruction on the concepts that strengthen their objectivity, yet they argue in spite of them. Meanwhile, outside of this forum, in face to face disputes, Theists are literally blindsided by such objections and arguments. They are incapable of grasping the flaws in their beliefs. They regularly say things that would be eternally plastered on The Hall of Shame if they uttered them on a thread within the confines of this forum. They do not understand terms such as...
Probability/Possibility/ Potentiality (3 very confusing "P" words for Theists)
and my arguments fall on deaf ears.
Coincidentally, and in the interest of full disclosure, I hear self-proclaimed Atheists propagating equally flawed justification for their rejection of religion that appear to be equally uninformed on the meaning of such terms.
I think it necessary to address all levels of inaccuracy, atheist or theist, and take no issue in doing so. As I began to contemplate this issue, A quote from Plato entered my mind-
"A man that holds a true belief without knowledge, is like a blind man that happens to find the right road"...
The Theists and Atheists on this forum have much less excuse for their pursuit of ignorance, should they persist. But, what hope is there for the Majority population of theists (at least Americans) that will NEVER understand those words. They will never be exposed to their value. They will never be taught the concepts and lessons that give them meaning. The Theists go through life in an unchallenged fear and conviction of pure absurdity, and the uneducated Atheists (while fortunate) exist as a matter of a lack of exposure to such things. The uneducated Atheist cannot impact his cause in valuable arenas as He, himself, does not understand it. There is a clear disconnect within the confines of our society that has alienated logic from the list of valuable skills expected from members of society.
The ones that are fortunate enough NOT to be brainwashed are Atheists, and the less fortunate ones are Theists. But this doesn't help the cause. The most impactful practice is that which is offered by the skill of critical thinking, that apply not only to religion, but to all facets of life.
My point, I guess, is this: It is easy to favor the uneducated Atheistic views that are heard because they happen to be right, but I feel it is important to correct their flaws, and give them the tools necessary to fight the ignorant insistence of stupidity. Because stupidity is not exclusive to religion, it just happens to be the safest place for it to reside. The propagation of bad, flawed, and unjustified ideas is the problem with society, and it must be challenged in ALL forms.
That being said...I missed y'all! Welcome to the new members I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting!
I just wanted to start with that. I've been in Key West FL for the past 12 days and while amazing, it's kept me from the trappings of what draws me to this forum time and time again. So, while there may only be a few of you that have noticed my absence, I just wanted to offer an explanation and assurance to whomever you may be...
While I enjoy the opportunity for the conversations and debates that this forum provides, it is not the only avenue through which I pursue them. I engage any, and in fact, everybody that holds a belief pertaining to a God. I have found these opportunities to be both entertaining and productive (in terms of opportunity). What I've noticed is that there is a clear and distinct similarity between Theists and Atheists.
On this forum, the Theists that have been here a while have heard all of the crippling objections to their beliefs, they can find no reconciliation for them, and opt for the fingers-in-the-ears method.
They have received thorough instruction on the concepts that strengthen their objectivity, yet they argue in spite of them. Meanwhile, outside of this forum, in face to face disputes, Theists are literally blindsided by such objections and arguments. They are incapable of grasping the flaws in their beliefs. They regularly say things that would be eternally plastered on The Hall of Shame if they uttered them on a thread within the confines of this forum. They do not understand terms such as...
Probability/Possibility/ Potentiality (3 very confusing "P" words for Theists)
and my arguments fall on deaf ears.
Coincidentally, and in the interest of full disclosure, I hear self-proclaimed Atheists propagating equally flawed justification for their rejection of religion that appear to be equally uninformed on the meaning of such terms.
I think it necessary to address all levels of inaccuracy, atheist or theist, and take no issue in doing so. As I began to contemplate this issue, A quote from Plato entered my mind-
"A man that holds a true belief without knowledge, is like a blind man that happens to find the right road"...
The Theists and Atheists on this forum have much less excuse for their pursuit of ignorance, should they persist. But, what hope is there for the Majority population of theists (at least Americans) that will NEVER understand those words. They will never be exposed to their value. They will never be taught the concepts and lessons that give them meaning. The Theists go through life in an unchallenged fear and conviction of pure absurdity, and the uneducated Atheists (while fortunate) exist as a matter of a lack of exposure to such things. The uneducated Atheist cannot impact his cause in valuable arenas as He, himself, does not understand it. There is a clear disconnect within the confines of our society that has alienated logic from the list of valuable skills expected from members of society.
The ones that are fortunate enough NOT to be brainwashed are Atheists, and the less fortunate ones are Theists. But this doesn't help the cause. The most impactful practice is that which is offered by the skill of critical thinking, that apply not only to religion, but to all facets of life.
My point, I guess, is this: It is easy to favor the uneducated Atheistic views that are heard because they happen to be right, but I feel it is important to correct their flaws, and give them the tools necessary to fight the ignorant insistence of stupidity. Because stupidity is not exclusive to religion, it just happens to be the safest place for it to reside. The propagation of bad, flawed, and unjustified ideas is the problem with society, and it must be challenged in ALL forms.
That being said...I missed y'all! Welcome to the new members I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting!