Hello everyone! I've little experience in posting on forums so let's just consider this my first every legitimate forum post anywhere on the internet. I won't go into too much detail in this thread and save most of my story for the Converts area!
I am currently a 21 year old student at a community college near my home, in the Bible Belt. I grew up in a Catholic family and attended Catholic school until 6th grade. I have since then questioned what I had been taught an eventually to call myself an atheist.
I spend a majority of my time acting at the community college's theater. I am one of the only atheists at this theatre, making expressing myself fully a difficult task since I am not too fond of entering any conflict at the theater at the moment. The thing is, this theater has shaped much of my life at the moment and made me discover my true potential and open up emotionally and socially in many settings.
This is a condensed version of the story I'd like to tell. I feel this is a good place to start with expressing myself on this matter and would like to get this story off my chest and written down, if anyone will listen. Keep an eye on the Converts thread for my full story if you're interested.
I look forward to using this forum often!
I am currently a 21 year old student at a community college near my home, in the Bible Belt. I grew up in a Catholic family and attended Catholic school until 6th grade. I have since then questioned what I had been taught an eventually to call myself an atheist.
I spend a majority of my time acting at the community college's theater. I am one of the only atheists at this theatre, making expressing myself fully a difficult task since I am not too fond of entering any conflict at the theater at the moment. The thing is, this theater has shaped much of my life at the moment and made me discover my true potential and open up emotionally and socially in many settings.
This is a condensed version of the story I'd like to tell. I feel this is a good place to start with expressing myself on this matter and would like to get this story off my chest and written down, if anyone will listen. Keep an eye on the Converts thread for my full story if you're interested.
I look forward to using this forum often!