(August 8, 2015 at 1:07 am)Shuffle Wrote: When was the last time you changed your mind on a political stance, and what was it?
Personally, I used to be a progressive, however, just a few months ago, I completely lost all association with the group. I don't know what political group I am in currently, but I am definitely far left.
Around the age of 16 I used to get a laugh out of groups like the EDL and BNP, even somewhat agreeing with most of their tripe.
Then I realised how stupid it all was.
But honestly? When I look around at all the immigrants in the UK, and the muslims especially, I'm starting to think some of their shit isn't all that wrong and after seeing the smear campaign against UKIP made by the media in an attempt to brand them racists, I actually think they're the only few who call out the problems with multi-culturalism and immigration and say it how it is.
That's all I can think of right now, anyway.