RE: Supreme Court Same Sex Marriage Argumet
August 8, 2015 at 11:47 am
(This post was last modified: August 8, 2015 at 11:50 am by Ace.)
(August 7, 2015 at 3:43 pm)Redbeard The Pink Wrote: It is truly worrying that religious sorts have such a balk over this shit, especially as it pertains to children.[/color]
It is very, very, very worrying that you don't seem to care at all what happens to kids or to even keep in mind to always protect childern form getting hurt. That you seem to not even care that, just maybe, the law is open just enoff for bad things to happen. ( which the the ruling is very open to interpretation) Is it so to much to ask for laws to be examined closly to see if there are any slippery areas that needs to be fixed to prevent any possible harm to a child? Because Sadly the the truth is that there are those in the nation who nothing more then to b do harm to another. Never be so prideful to think that no one will take advantage of anything ,(even the law) to achieve what they want?
That is what I think is very scary, is that you don't even want to think about any danger. To you it is a slippery slop argument always. The fact that childern could be possible victim does not even make you say " because it is kids we are talking about we need to look also at the slippery slop issues." No, instead " it is a slippery slop and not going to ever happen." . . . Really? Or do we only act when something happens and a good number of victims has been collected.
You want to just that this law is only for the gay people and that no one can every use it. But that is not how the laws work, it is open to every citizen to use for their own legal arguments.
As stated before, keep in mind that there are cases pending NOW that are using your argument for polygamy, (wither you agree with it or not). If they win there case do not be so naive that another non gay group will make use of that law and anotherthen. Even now pedophiles are also using your argument and truly do believe that they will also one day will be accepted in society just like you.
And that is what you are refusing to even partly acknowledge