(August 31, 2015 at 4:10 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: Honestly the word "bigot" is starting to annoy me because it's becoming another one of those buzzwords that people throw around, out of context, just to shut people up. I've probably said it myself on this very forum in the past (I'll admit before people clock me), I'm just writing how I feel right now.
At the end of the day, if Miss Thing believes sex is between a married couple, and practices such in her own life choices, that's her right. It only becomes "bigoted" (by definition of what "bigoted" actually means) when one tries to force their views onto other people and push for legislation that oppresses people, which from what I've read I've not seen CL saying.
I feel like if you want to argue with why homosexuality is not immoral, it's better to actually discuss the facts and give your well thought-out reasons, not just "you're a bigot". That's not aimed at anyone in particular here, just a general statement.
Exactly, she's not a bigot because she isn't intolerant of or think less of people who commit what she thinks are immoral acts. For a Christian, she is very tolerant of the presence of what she views as immorality. Contrast her with that spiteful ignoramus Kentucky County Clerk that's getting put in the slammer for being held in contempt in court, who invoked "God's authority" to attempt to justify abandoning her duty to issue marriage licenses because she didn't want to provide them for gay couples, then refused to not interfere with her subordinate clerks that were willing. That's a bigot wanting to strongarm her morality into her role as a public official and deny a certain demographic their rights. This isn't Cathy.
If you want to debate her on whether homosexual actually is immoral, be my guest, but calling her a bigot won't get you anywhere when she's demonstrated just the opposite.
freedomfromfallacy » I'm weighing my tears to see if the happy ones weigh the same as the sad ones.