I think forbidding others from doing things that "doesn't feel right" is morally exactly equivalent to forcing other to do something that "feels right". Those who would forbid homosexual sex because it doesn't feel right forfeits the right to complain if they in turn are forbidden to have any type of sex other than homosexual sex by other people who feels that is right.
Incest is somewhat different because it does create potential for harming other, namely the offspring from such a sexual union. This is not nature trying to tell you something anymore than congenital defect is nature trying to tell you that you don't deserve to live. It is just an artifact of the our DNA's evolutionary heritage and the mechanics of sexual reproduction.
Incest is somewhat different because it does create potential for harming other, namely the offspring from such a sexual union. This is not nature trying to tell you something anymore than congenital defect is nature trying to tell you that you don't deserve to live. It is just an artifact of the our DNA's evolutionary heritage and the mechanics of sexual reproduction.