RE: Response to Arcanus - "Do Homosexuals have equal rights"
December 7, 2010 at 5:50 pm
(This post was last modified: December 8, 2010 at 3:52 pm by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
The argument about gay marriage is real and serious. Marriage is now and has always been more about property and inheritance than any other single issue. In many countries,including mine, illegitimate offspring had no rights of inheritance until recently.Primo genitor is still the the law for royal succession and inheritance of titles(IE the first legitimate male offspring).
My gay sister had a partner for seven years. The poor girl died of cancer.My sister had no rights under the law.She had no say about the funeral and NO RIGHTS OF INHERITANCE. In this country, if a person dies intestate,everything goes to the legal spouse (who is legally next of kin) by default. Marriage invalidates any pre-existing will.
Fortunately for sis they had taken steps to protect each other. The house was in joint names. Here that means if one owner dies the survivor gets the house by default unless specifically stated otherwise in a will. They had also each made a will naming the other sole beneficiary.That covered all personal possessions, bank accounts, investments and superannuation.
Same same sex marriage* remains unrecognised here .However,over the last few years OVER 200 laws in this state have been amended to give gay couples many of the same rights as hetero couples.My state, South Australia was the firsts in Australia to legalise homosexual activities between consenting adults. (1972)
*Marriage is solemn contract by two people. No ritual or legal process of any kind is needed,regardless of what religious bigots and too-clever-by-half apologist sophists seem to think The laws relating to gay marriage are about LEGAL RECOGNITION of the fact, which is achieved by allowing registration of the marriage.
My gay sister had a partner for seven years. The poor girl died of cancer.My sister had no rights under the law.She had no say about the funeral and NO RIGHTS OF INHERITANCE. In this country, if a person dies intestate,everything goes to the legal spouse (who is legally next of kin) by default. Marriage invalidates any pre-existing will.
Fortunately for sis they had taken steps to protect each other. The house was in joint names. Here that means if one owner dies the survivor gets the house by default unless specifically stated otherwise in a will. They had also each made a will naming the other sole beneficiary.That covered all personal possessions, bank accounts, investments and superannuation.
Same same sex marriage* remains unrecognised here .However,over the last few years OVER 200 laws in this state have been amended to give gay couples many of the same rights as hetero couples.My state, South Australia was the firsts in Australia to legalise homosexual activities between consenting adults. (1972)
*Marriage is solemn contract by two people. No ritual or legal process of any kind is needed,regardless of what religious bigots and too-clever-by-half apologist sophists seem to think The laws relating to gay marriage are about LEGAL RECOGNITION of the fact, which is achieved by allowing registration of the marriage.