I say "pagan", because my beliefs are non-Christian, Earth based, and poly-theistic/animistic.
Most of my "observations" have to do with visions, dreams, feelings and ponderings. For example: Sometimes I like to go out into the woods and meditate for hours on end, feeling the energies of the land. It could very well just be my imagination, then again it might not. Who's to say?
Most of my "observations" have to do with visions, dreams, feelings and ponderings. For example: Sometimes I like to go out into the woods and meditate for hours on end, feeling the energies of the land. It could very well just be my imagination, then again it might not. Who's to say?
"You are trying to understand madness with logic. This is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch." - Jervis "Mad Hatter" Tetch