(November 17, 2015 at 2:25 pm)Drich Wrote:In the Bible sin is simply the act of refusing to do as you're told to do and not believing everything you've been told without exception. The main characters committed all kinds of heinous and immoral acts but they were not considered to be sinful because the God character told them to do those things. Some characters got into trouble when they used their own judgment and decided that those acts were wrong and refused to do them.(November 17, 2015 at 2:03 pm)Crossless1 Wrote: Obscured image of a fence.The point being, no matter how you want to describe the pic, we both acknowledge that it is there. your preference for the use of the word sin is irrelevant. At some point in the catalog of all human behavior we will agree certain acts to be the work of an evil mind and heart, even if we can not agree on the terminology used to describe it. Bottom line will be that some humans will ultimately turn on others and do pretty sick things, and justify them with a different 'morlaity' than what you hold to. You can use whatever words you want to to describe this behavior, but again we both (as with the apple pic have to acknowledge it is there.
God has done the same exact thing with sin. He has found a common thread in our behavior that we all share and can do nothing about. this is sin. He sent his son to die for our sin so that we did not have to be held accountable to it. Those who embraced/loved their sin more than the one who died to provide a way out of sin, have been identified as evil. Evil determines it's own right and wrong. 'Evil' makes the sinner's sin 'moral' to the sinner. Just like the Paris attackers were justified by their morality, and they (the attackers) see what they did as being justified, those who do not repent of their sin also moralize their sin and fall into the same evil.
the only difference here is God selects the 'picture' of sin and evil.
In today's society a person can't sin in a biblical sense because the God character doesn't exist and therefore can't tell you to do anything. And you can't cherry pick the Bible because it has examples of where people were blessed for committing immoral acts and atrocities.