My take on the issue of suicide is that I personally feel it is wrong for anyone to assume it is a selfish act. If someone is hurting that much, that they feel they can no longer stand the cause of their pain, that no one truly cares or loves them, that for THEM, the only logical way to end such pain is to end their life, then there isn't a thing, person or ideal that will convince them otherwise. If all of their cries for help have gone ignored and they truly feel they are suffering inside, what ever is internally tormenting them, must end and they are not being selfish, but looking for a way to end their suffering. If there is question about who gets left behind and hurt by those actions, then perhaps those individuals should be paying attention to the signs before hand and take the situation seriously, but the suicidal person IS crying out for help and they are feeling ignored.
When life gets to that point, it takes a ton of work to help the person. It takes a lot of patience and love and understanding and sometimes all of those things just might not be enough. It is a horrible thing to have to experience when someone you love does this, but not at any time should it ever be considered selfish.
I don't believe anyone said that it was, I haven't read all the comments, but that's just my personal opinion on the matter.
When life gets to that point, it takes a ton of work to help the person. It takes a lot of patience and love and understanding and sometimes all of those things just might not be enough. It is a horrible thing to have to experience when someone you love does this, but not at any time should it ever be considered selfish.
I don't believe anyone said that it was, I haven't read all the comments, but that's just my personal opinion on the matter.
Disclaimer: I am only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to understand.