How to begin... well to start off, isn't it kind of meaningless, to say someone is more or less intelligent? It shouldn't have any impact on how you enjoy and live your life. It would be like measuring dick size, to say intelligence level really mattered. Generally speaking, with the average person, ability to learn may come faster for others, but in general someone could be really smart but behave really dumb, or vice versa. I know that IQ is based up of the average score of many different score.
I personally don't like IQ, I think it's demeaning, it makes intelligence feel like a race. It puts a label on you, it says that there's some people who are indefinitely more intelligent. It just upsets me sometimes that there's people who don't have to try very hard, yet they're way more intelligent than so many people. It gives me a feeling like there's inequality, intelligence gives people a ton of advantages and makes their lives easier.
It annoys me, because some people seem to have advantages with so many things. When I see a school work or homework assignment, I just think oh fuck me. I have to waste my time doing this arduous shit. Then I cram it into the bottom of by back pack, so it gets covered in dirt and stuff, I'd rarely even start the assignments. I admit, I feel pretty stupid a lot, because I don't find school easy, I always despised my stupid immature peers when I was in high school. Even though I fucking hated school work, I wanted to be in the advanced classes so I could live in the high echelons of society.
So intelligence always meant something to me, I wish it didn't though. I dunno if you could even say school is a good measure of intelligence. I've always said school is a good measure of how good of a business man you are. It just teaches you to be obedient and work and do stuff on time. It doesn't really require much higher thinking, it just requires a bunch of patience mostly. That's the end of my boring blog entry. I just thought it would help put it into perspective of why this even matters to me at all.
I personally don't like IQ, I think it's demeaning, it makes intelligence feel like a race. It puts a label on you, it says that there's some people who are indefinitely more intelligent. It just upsets me sometimes that there's people who don't have to try very hard, yet they're way more intelligent than so many people. It gives me a feeling like there's inequality, intelligence gives people a ton of advantages and makes their lives easier.
It annoys me, because some people seem to have advantages with so many things. When I see a school work or homework assignment, I just think oh fuck me. I have to waste my time doing this arduous shit. Then I cram it into the bottom of by back pack, so it gets covered in dirt and stuff, I'd rarely even start the assignments. I admit, I feel pretty stupid a lot, because I don't find school easy, I always despised my stupid immature peers when I was in high school. Even though I fucking hated school work, I wanted to be in the advanced classes so I could live in the high echelons of society.
So intelligence always meant something to me, I wish it didn't though. I dunno if you could even say school is a good measure of intelligence. I've always said school is a good measure of how good of a business man you are. It just teaches you to be obedient and work and do stuff on time. It doesn't really require much higher thinking, it just requires a bunch of patience mostly. That's the end of my boring blog entry. I just thought it would help put it into perspective of why this even matters to me at all.