(December 21, 2015 at 1:52 pm)Delicate Wrote: It would be nice if, instead of 100 people making 200 feeble objections to the ontological argument, there could be one, singular, comprehensive refutation that would convince people the ontological argument was fallacious.
Can someone come up with something like that? That would help.
Whole books have been written on it and you want it tied up nicely with a bow? How special. The ontological argument is notorious for being persuasive to people who already believe, and unpersuasive to those who don't. Guess which side of that divide you fall on? All your complaining about the lack of a definitive refutation does is demonstrate that you are no less biased than anyone else. You are basically blind to your own biases. Welcome to the human condition. We all are. Now if you could use that knowledge to actually understand the situation, that would be nice. But I don't expect it....