(December 29, 2015 at 10:59 am)athrock Wrote:The point of this life is to make a choice about where you want to spend the next. The bible identifies that age as the age of accountability. for some it is earlier than others but i would think it is safe to say that no two year old is accountable for his 'sin.' The book of Romans tells us we only sin if we know what it is we are doing. I would therefore think if a soul that has not reached the physical age of accountablity dies then it simply gets plugged back in to another body.(December 28, 2015 at 2:08 pm)Drich Wrote:
What if...
Your idea of God was wrong???
What if Death was not the ultimate bad thing/end that could happen to us? Then would God be responsible to save us from it?
To put it another way Imagine a world where THE WORST thing that could happen to some one was they got a cut requiring no more than 15 stitches and a singular broken bone. Now put in place man's ever sliding sense of morality/idea of right and wrong onto this paradigm then we would treat getting a 15 stitch cut and a singular broken bone as bad as death.. Imagine In that reality the D-bags who question the existence of God because of all the broken bones and all of the cuts requiring no more than 15 stitches... To the D-bags of that realm who question God because they experience the worst of the worst a broken bone AND a cut requiring no more than 15 stitches feel like 'God' should have protected them like those who have never been cut or experienced the pain of a broken bone.
I picked a broken bone and a singular cut requiring no more than 15 stitches because for me when I was like 8 that was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. when I was a child I could understand greater things but i could not fathom their complete meaning because they did not happen to me.
The same is true with you and death. You are like an 8 year old who can not fathom anything worse than death. so when you see people's lives getting cut what to you seems short to you, SEEMS to be the ultimate wrong. When infact your mind set is of an 8 year old who thinks cuts and broken bones are the end of the world.
Let just say for the moment the bible is right. And Death is not our end, but our birth into eternity. Now If the end of this life means the start of an eternal one.. One that God looks forward living with you and if all is well you look forward living with Him, then Why or why is it then a bad thing to end this life a few moments short of everyone else? again look from an eternal perspective.
It is only when this life is all you got does one tend to feel slighted when it is cut years short.
Again, so maybe Your idea of God and His responsibility to is here in this life is all wrong, and what the bible has to say is right! That being the case your whole argument is completely meaningless. (If God owes us no order of protection from an early death then all of your examples of early death to prove God does not exist are pointless.)
Infinity + 2 years on Earth = Infinity
Infinity + 82 years on Earth = Infinity
So, God is focused on how we spend eternity, but most people are stressing over the x years here. (and whether it is unfair that a child dies at 2 instead of 82)
Is that what you're saying?
Once we make out choice we move on to eternal life, or death in Hell.