(January 6, 2016 at 9:37 am)yukapuka Wrote: Peace to you all
Now i am not here to convert(or revert) anyone, i am merely here to educate you because i would rather discuss with you based on factual points of history as opposed to nonsense that is thrown around without any basis or foundation in truth
So i would like to educate you as intelligent people about Islam and Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) so that you understand why we love him so much and what is our relationship with him and his impact with Islam
As the status quo might dictate in your selves, that you might not like Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) based on what you know, you might not even believe he existed but as intelligent people hear all sides of the story before you jump to conclusions and throw accusations, in the end what you hold as yoru opinion is your right and again i am not here to try to change anything in anyone except tell you the truth so that you are not ignorant about the subject
So i am going to write a short concise impact he had on the Arab nation based on historical facts which exist till today which he was solely responsible
So you can learn about what he achieved why he is admired and loved by Muslims and why God chose him as a Prophet(PBUH) so i am going to share some basic factual historical facts about Arabia and the changes he brought about
Okay the history of the Arabs us heavily entwined in the rise of Muhammad(PBUH) and Islam
The state of the Arabs prior to Islam and Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) :
Firstly the majority of the Arab people were a desolate people, heavily and completely isolated and ignorant of even the outside world, they lived in the desert in very tough conditions that probably most other nations would not have hung around very long due to the scarcity of water and food in general and most other nations didnt even bother to have any relations with them trade or otherwise, they were as described by one English author
There was mass fighting between tribes, and every small group was divided into tribes. They were known as Nomads and :“In the century before the rise of Islam the tribes dissipated all their energies in tribal guerrilla fighting, all against all.” (Classical Islam – A History 600-1258 – 1970)
They had no government of any kind for many generations and no ruling party or organisations
D. S. Margoliouth
“Arabia would have remained pagan had there been a man in Mecca who could strike a blow; who would act. But many as were Mohammed's ill-wishers, there was not one of them who had this sort of courage; and (as has been seen) there was no magistracy by which he could be tried.” (Mohammed and the Rise of Islam, 1931)
Maxime Rodinson
“Manslaughter carried severe penalties according to the unwritten law of the desert. In practice the free Arabs were bound by no written code of law, and no state existed to enforce its statutes with the backing of a police force.The only protection for a man's life was the certainty established by custom, that it would be dearly bought. Blood for blood and a life for a life. The vendetta, tha'r in Arabic, is one of the pillars of Bedouin society.” (Mohammed, 1971)
Religion of the people were mainly :
1. Idol-worshippers or polytheists. Most of the Arabs were idolaters. They worshipped numerous idols and each tribe had its own idol or idols and fetishes. They had turned the Kaaba in Makkah, which according to tradition, had been built by the Prophet Abraham and his son, Ismael, and was dedicated by them to the service of One God, into a heathen pantheon housing 360 idols of stone and wood.
2. Atheists This group was composed of the materialists and believed that the world was eternal.
3. Zindiqs They were influenced by the Persian doctrine of dualism in nature. They believed that there were two gods representing the twin forces of good and evil or light and darkness, and both were locked up in an unending struggle for supremacy.
4. Sabines. They worshipped the stars.
5. Jews When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and drove the Jews out of Palestine and Syria, many of them found new homes in Hijaz in Arabia. Under their influence, many Arabs also became converts to Judaism. Their strong centers were the towns of Yathrib, Khayber, Fadak and Umm-ul-Qura.
6. Christians. The Romans had converted the north Arabian tribe of Ghassan to Christianity. Some clans of Ghassan had migrated to and had settled in Hijaz. In the south, there were many Christians in Yemen where the creed was originally brought by the Ethiopian invaders. Their strong center was the town of Najran.
7. Monotheists There was a small group of monotheists present in Arabia on the eve of the rise of Islam. Its members did not worship idols, and they were the followers of the Prophet Abraham. The members of the families of Muhammad, the future prophet, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, the future caliph, and most members of their clan – the Banu Hashim – belonged to this group.
Among the Arabs there were extremely few individuals who could read and write. Most of them were not very eager to learn these arts. Some historians are of the opinion that the culture of the period was almost entirely oral. The Jews and the Christians were the custodians of such knowledge as Arabia had.
The greatest intellectual accomplishment of the pagan Arabs was their poetry. They claimed that God had bestowed the most remarkable qualities of the head upon the Greeks (its proof is their science and philosophy); of hand upon the Chinese (its proof is their craftsmanship); and of the tongue upon the Arabs (its proof is their eloquence). Their greatest pride, both before and after Islam, was their eloquence and poetry. The importance of poetry to them can be gauged by the following testimony:
D. S. Margoliouth
In nomad Arabia, the poets were part of the war equipment of the tribe; they defended their own, and damaged hostile tribes by the employment of a force which was supposed indeed to work mysteriously, but which in fact consisted in composing dexterous phrases of a sort that would attract notice, and would consequently be diffused and remembered widely. (Mohammed and the Rise of Islam, 1931)
Social life and treatment of people:
Female children were buried at birth(not always, but this did contribute to the nation not populating and expanding ) as the Arab considered the female child a curse, since the women around him were used as currency and prostitutes and only the few aristocrats form trades , their females were "respected"
Blacks like in all other parts of the world, where used as slaves and were purchased and sold and captured from lands like northern Africa
People lived in tents, and there was no structure of any kind period , people didnt know about it or wanted to know about it, whether it was education, social , government or otherwise
Arabian people where cut off from the rest of the world with illiteracy and the problems and ignorance and the hot heat of the desert that isolated the people from going forward in any of those directions as death shadoweded them in all direction, from society and from the harsh weather and their own ignorance
People lived of basic things like farming etc and as already stated above, MUCH energy was put into fighting between the tribes and groups , the nomads of the desert
Now Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was originally a farmer that wad herding sheep, and it was the sheep of a wealthy woman in Arabia , and it was in fact the first wife he married (Khatijah) who was 10 years his senior(later on), he used to work for her
Even prior to prophet hood Muhamamd(PBUH) was known as "Al Ameen" which means the "truthful/trustworthy" meaning he would not tell lies and this title was not his own but given to him by the people around him who knew him, in a time living like his where everyone was looking to cheat and fight everyone else, he stood out, because people could trust him with their belongings when going somewhere or to war, they would come and leave their stuff with him because they knew that he would return their belonging as they had left it with him, even if it was money so hence he was known as al-ameen and hence why he probably got the job to watch the "assets" of Khadijah who was one of the few respected ladies and wealthiest ladies of Arabian times as she was a business woman
obviously the state of life around Prophet Muhammd(PBUH) used to disturb him and he would often leave the city (Mecca) and go to a place called Mount Noor(light) and sit and contemplate and watch the city from above, thinking about al the problems and issues that society faced, about how people where mistreated, women's status in society, children treatment, uncertainty of life and the cheap state of life , as well as other problems like scarcity of food and water and all the wars that where going on around him
Also to mention, both his mother and father had died by the time he was grown up, his mother died at his birth and his father died also not long after his birth, named Abdulllah ibn Abdul Muttalib
He would often go to this cave, and today Muslims go to this cave when they visit Mecca for Hajj, and sit where he sat and watch Mecca from above, and it was here that he received his first revelation , and at this point he was married to Khadijah his first wife
from Wikipedia
"Muhammad was born and raised in Mecca. When he was nearly 40, he used to spend many hours alone in prayer and speculating over the aspects of creation.[1] He was concerned with the "ignorance of divine guidance" (Jahiliyyah), social unrest, injustice, widespread discrimination (particularly against women), fighting among tribes and abuse of tribal authorities prevalent in pre-Islamic Arabia.[2] The moral degeneration of his fellow people, and his own quest for a true religion further lent fuel to this, with the result that he now began to withdraw periodically to a cave named Mount Hira, three miles north of Mecca, for contemplation and reflection.[3] Islamic tradition holds that Muhammad during this period began to have dreams replete with spiritual significance which were fulfilled according to their true import; and this was the commencement of his divine revelation.[1][4][page needed] This created inclination in him to engage himself in solitary worshipping."
Actually it is incorrect about the age, the age of 30 is the correct age when it happened , He was sitting in this cave one time and he heard a voice, whom identified himself as angel Gabriel the Prophet was told "Read" and he was shaken with fear, and after some time again was instructed "Read" , again he was in shock and fear and he replied "I dont know how to read" and this time the voice replied "Read in the name of your Lord who created.." and the first Surah of the Quran was revealed
which today in the Quran is surah 96
and looks like this (but actually the first revelation was not the complete Surah but was later completed, nevertheless here is the first revelation that he received)
Bismillah-hirrahmaan-irraheem (In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
Surah Alaq(the clot)
Recite in the name of your Lord who created
Created man from a clinging substance.
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -
Who taught by the pen -
Taught man that which he knew not.
No! [But] indeed, man transgresses
Because he sees himself self-sufficient.
Indeed, to your Lord is the return.
I will continue this later, consider this the first part of the history of Islam and Prophet Muhammad and the Arabs
Alhamdullilah(All praise be to Allah in Arabic for those who read this and might not understand) my friend. May Allah reward you with the highest position in Paradise amongst As-Sabiqun for spreading true knowledge about our beautiful religion of Islam.