(January 27, 2016 at 9:42 am)Chad32 Wrote: I don't think people are scared to say Islam is violent. Just that not every muslim is a terrorist. Would a typical protestant christian want to be compared to the KKK? Probably not. We have a presidential candidate that thinks all muslims should be banned from entering the country, and wants to build a wall on the mexican border. America has a problem with xenophobia.
YES currently the Koran is used by far too many people to justify politically motivated violence. YES, right now in human history one region of the world is more politically violent than the west. But I accept ALL religions as the volcanos they can be, some more active currently than others.
You remove western secular common law, it would not take our right wing Christians long to make us like the politically motivated Middle East.
Religion in all it's forms in all of human history will cause human divisions. There is no polite way to put it. You can rightfully go after a current climate that produces more theocratic violence, but the root cause of it is the same, humans flawed perceptions leading to bad conclusions that lead to human divisions that lead to violence.
Religion allows assholes like Trump to sell fear, the same fear Imams sell to Muslim populations. The only thing preventing our nuts from the same theocratic violence to the same degree is secular law. The west is hardly perfect and most certainly has it's own transgressions we need to accept and face and work to reduce.
Religion in the west became more civil, not because of religion, but in spite of religion.