Fugg socialism and Commie Sanders, he ain't gonna be muh president under my watch. I say free market capitalism ftw! Why the fugg should I be payed the same amount of money if I did more work than Joe Blow down the street. It's literally an autistic idea and it's a civilization destroyer which turns the people into degenerates. Meanwhile the quality of living around them is going to shit because they don't have the incentive to work and to work hard in order to have in turn, a prosperous, fulfilling life.
That was, and forever will be the American dream. Free enterprise.
Also we shouldn't have welfare at all, literally giving poor people, especially blacks, makes them into counterproductive members of society and in my honest opinion they should all be purged or deported to another country if they don't want to make something out of themselves.
Big government just needs to disappear, we're spending all this money on stupid things that the government pays for, and it's increasing our debt. Do you really think that having "freebies" for everything is good? Well it's not free, because "freebies" come from taxes. And if you're taxed heavily, you can't live the comfortable, exciting life you want to live because the government sucks it out from you.
It's very simple to understand, yet you libcucks are so brainwashed and so screwed up, I don't feel safe in my own country anymore because of you all with your college indoctrinated, civilization destroying philosophies influenced by baby boomer hippy professors. It's just so easy to comprehend why socialism or even communism is bad, by just looking at the very definition of it even though that's a no-brainer to stay away from if you want to have a stable country, as learned from history and the USSR.
Yet you still vote for Commie Sanders.
And I'm voting for Trump because he knows and indeed, understands American citizens better than any other establishment or leftwing cuck. Like knowing about the danger we face with the Syrian "refugees" coming in, hah, more like insidious mudslime subterfuge at play.
I'm also voting for him because he's a good businessman. He increased his wealth to substantial heights by working hard, got to billions. Now I understand that he was given a gift of inheritance early in life but you can't be a billionaire even if you have inheritance without managing your money properly. Which is why I think no other man besides Donald Trump himself can make America Great Again, because he's a more able administrator than any of these politicians will ever be. He probably has a very able chance to fix or atleast get our debt down significantly.
So God-Emperor Trump for 2 terms.
So I hope I taught you libcucks all a lesson because if I didn't then you're all lost and should be gassed with Zyklon B.
That was, and forever will be the American dream. Free enterprise.
Also we shouldn't have welfare at all, literally giving poor people, especially blacks, makes them into counterproductive members of society and in my honest opinion they should all be purged or deported to another country if they don't want to make something out of themselves.
Big government just needs to disappear, we're spending all this money on stupid things that the government pays for, and it's increasing our debt. Do you really think that having "freebies" for everything is good? Well it's not free, because "freebies" come from taxes. And if you're taxed heavily, you can't live the comfortable, exciting life you want to live because the government sucks it out from you.
It's very simple to understand, yet you libcucks are so brainwashed and so screwed up, I don't feel safe in my own country anymore because of you all with your college indoctrinated, civilization destroying philosophies influenced by baby boomer hippy professors. It's just so easy to comprehend why socialism or even communism is bad, by just looking at the very definition of it even though that's a no-brainer to stay away from if you want to have a stable country, as learned from history and the USSR.
Yet you still vote for Commie Sanders.
And I'm voting for Trump because he knows and indeed, understands American citizens better than any other establishment or leftwing cuck. Like knowing about the danger we face with the Syrian "refugees" coming in, hah, more like insidious mudslime subterfuge at play.
I'm also voting for him because he's a good businessman. He increased his wealth to substantial heights by working hard, got to billions. Now I understand that he was given a gift of inheritance early in life but you can't be a billionaire even if you have inheritance without managing your money properly. Which is why I think no other man besides Donald Trump himself can make America Great Again, because he's a more able administrator than any of these politicians will ever be. He probably has a very able chance to fix or atleast get our debt down significantly.
So God-Emperor Trump for 2 terms.
So I hope I taught you libcucks all a lesson because if I didn't then you're all lost and should be gassed with Zyklon B.