(February 23, 2016 at 5:38 pm)Jenny A Wrote: Oh I think Dritch is telling the truth about both his ethnicity and his experience of it. And in the very few U.S. studies considering the issue, multiracial children have a harder time of it. Hawaii is the great exception. And obviously it's not crippling have a multiracial president. Somehow he made it.wow how my words get twisted...
But, we don't prohibit people from having children just because they're children will have a harder time of it. Some other examples of kids who have a harder time of it: hearing children born to deaf parents; the children of first generation immigrants; children whose parents' genes carry known genetic defects; children born to retarded parents; children born in the inner city; children born in impoverished rural areas; children of racial minorites; children whose first language is not the locally prevalent language; children who's parents are drug addicted; children who's parents are poor; child who's parents belong to a cult; low cast children; children who's paternal grandparents make significantly less than their maternal grandparents; black children in predominately white countries; children who's parents follow mutually exclusive religions. I could go on and on and on. Dritch isn't specially deptived, just an extreme reaction to one of the many hurdles humans face. Just by being born in a first world country, he's ahead of much of humanity.
Dritch, which would you prefer: not being born at all; being born in Ethiopia of Ethiopian parents; being born of Korean parents in the U.S.; being born of a low status in India. Would you prohibit any of the previous marriages and if not, why not.
I simply said "I am not a fan..."
I also pointed out that most interracial couples are selfish... Then I later explain that selfishness will most likely destroy the relationship and make the child's life harder to live. then i go one to explain how... Post 36 then in the last post I back my Facts up with actual links to studies.
You people see me as "the bad guy" and automatically assume the worst just because i do not agree with your world view, I take the polar opposite position...
Here's a thought... MAYBE your world view is skewed just enough that it is wrong, but at the same time not wrong enough that the opposite is true. Maybe the truth can be found somewhere between what you currently believe and the total oppsite of what you believe.
Brokenquil92 is a perfect example of this. She thought/assumed my position was the polar oppsite of her own. as did a few of you because you kudeo-ed her comment. Yet her our pouring and emotional appeal was a perfect representation of what it was I myself have spent so much time describing. Again, you all do not read what it is I am saying. you are doing word searches in my posts looking for key words, so you can build an approximation or build a typical 'bad guy' arguement/straw man then you attack it rather than deal with the truths I am presenting.
Again I never once demanded a prohibition on interracial couples, marriages or any infringement on having children. Yet your post reflects the idea that I have. Again I said I am not a fan of interracial couples then listed why. then pointed to a ton of extra work that goes into biracial children, something that 'selfish people' don't generally get around to.'