Should the religion be proselytising or non-proselytising?
- proselytising (spreads fast, but internal conflicts rise in numbers)
- non-proselytising (spreads slow, but less internal conflicts among followers and resistant to conversions)
Should the followers be from a certain race?
- Yes (spreads slow, but less internal conflicts among followers and resistant to conversions)
- No, all are allowed (spreads fast, but internal conflicts rise in numbers)
Should the religion be spread through force or knowledge, resource-bribes?
- Force
- Knowledge
- Resource sharing/trading
How should gender equality be handled?
- Males are dominant over females (Female population declines, Advantage when spreading through wars)
- Females are dominant over male (Male population declines, Advantage when spreading through knowledge/resource-bribes)
- They are equal (Rapid progression through skill trees, no added advantage while spreading)
- proselytising (spreads fast, but internal conflicts rise in numbers)
- non-proselytising (spreads slow, but less internal conflicts among followers and resistant to conversions)
Should the followers be from a certain race?
- Yes (spreads slow, but less internal conflicts among followers and resistant to conversions)
- No, all are allowed (spreads fast, but internal conflicts rise in numbers)
Should the religion be spread through force or knowledge, resource-bribes?
- Force
- Knowledge
- Resource sharing/trading
How should gender equality be handled?
- Males are dominant over females (Female population declines, Advantage when spreading through wars)
- Females are dominant over male (Male population declines, Advantage when spreading through knowledge/resource-bribes)
- They are equal (Rapid progression through skill trees, no added advantage while spreading)
Quote:To know yet to think that one does not know is best; Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty.
- Lau Tzu
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