I've been following the NFL concussion story with great interest elsewhere and there is something to be said about boys roughhousing and later criminal activity. CTE was only detected around 2005 and already there is some study being given to girls playing soccer and heading the ball. Heading the ball is a sub-concussive impact and something the human head was not supposed to be used for. It will be interesting to see if studies show that girls who play soccer start to have behavioral problems like boys.
Someone is paying attention...
Quote: The days of kids 10 years old or younger heading the ball in a soccer game or practice are over.
In resolving a class-action lawsuit regarding the large number of concussions in the sport, the U.S. Soccer Federation has issued new guidelines either banning or limiting players heading the ball depending on their age. Children 10 years or under will no longer be allowed to head the ball in practice or games, while players ages 11 to 13 will only be allowed to do it during practice, not games.
Someone is paying attention...