I imagine our resident christards will lose their minds over Tabor's last comment whereas I am more concerned with the initial premise of an "authentic" Paul. I'm not sure what "authentic" means in this context.
Quote:What can we reliably know about Paul and how can we know it? As is the case with Jesus, this is not an easy question. Historians have been involved in what has been called the “Quest for the Historical Jesus” for the past one hundred and seventy-five years, evaluating and sifting through our sources, trying to determine what we can reliably say about him.[/url] As it happens, the quest for the historical Paul began almost simultaneously, inaugurated by the German scholar Ferdinand Christian Baur.[url=][ii] Baur put his finger squarely on the problem: There are [i]four different “Pauls” in the New Testament, not one, and each is quite distinct from the others. New Testament scholars today are generally agreed on this point.[/i]
I imagine our resident christards will lose their minds over Tabor's last comment whereas I am more concerned with the initial premise of an "authentic" Paul. I'm not sure what "authentic" means in this context.