(March 14, 2016 at 10:10 am)Drich Wrote:(March 13, 2016 at 11:57 am)dyresand Wrote: Once again if you want to add your own foot notes or even information go ahead.
There was a old story of how the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians and how moses lead his people to freedom.
Let's get some things things clear. They were never in Egypt nor they were slaves in Egypt. And thus the story
is fiction. The stories themselves came about in the 8th and 5th centuries B.C.E respectively. It's mythical story
telling nothing more nothing less.
That's pretty much it for book 2 making that bible smaller one book at a time.
The Jew while in egypt were not known as Jews. Why? Because they were known as egyptians. when Joseph's family was welcomed into egypt they were not a nation of people. they were one large family that was allowed to settled in the 'goshen' region of egypt. In this region several cities and hundreds of smaller villages were found and some have been excavated. In the rubble of these cities and in the graves Semitic items and Semitic burials prove these cities were not typical egyptian. All of this attributed to the late and the end of the middle kingdom. Even Egyptian documentation does indeed proove or show is a list of named slaves with specifically jewish names.
Where you like it or not whether you wish to continue believing and spreading this particular lie or not, know in the back of your mind not only do the jews in the bible confirm an egyptian captivity but their is period correct confirmed Egyptian papyrus that also show Jewish slaves along with, archaeological evidence.
And better yet for you someone has compiled all of this information and a whole heck of alot more into your favorite format explaining all of this in a documentary form. taking you to the dig sites, showing you the actual papyrus, having museum curators tell you what is on said papyrus and various monuments.
There was no Jews in Egypt the Jews weren't Egyptian. Egyptians aren't Jews.
The Egyptians were polytheists not monotheists. That being said Jews are monotheist.
Now we got that out of the way why would the Jews wander so far out anyways.
That would be the first lie in the OT.
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