(March 23, 2016 at 11:27 am)ChadWooters Wrote: In practice they are saying that your reasoning is flawless and if someone doesn’t agree with you then, they are by definition irrational. Are they truly prepared to call profound thinkers like David Bentley Hart irrational. You may think he is wrong, but irrational. C’mon.
Is it rational to base your life on some non-existent phenomenon solely because someone else told you to do so? A phenomenon for which no physical evidence exists, no logical way that it could exist and there is no reason to suggest has any bearing on your life?
No. But then humans are not rational beings. To function rationally we need to be able to make irrational choices.(it's an observed paradox, deal with it).
So while technically David Bentley Hart and all other theists are irrational, this doesn't really say much.
This is why I prefer to think of theists as being infected by a parasitic meme. It takes over the lives of believers, costs them precious resources and influences their actions in order to propagate itself.