My sense of urgency (even if futile) stems from a friend's sister who's amnio came back indicating NTD. She and her dolt of a husband were neither prepared to end the pregnancy nor cope with a special needs kid.
Unfit mother, indifferent father, the kid had a horrific childhood until she was old enough to take over managing her care from her idiot parents. The kid should have gone foster/adoption, and the parents should have been sterilized and parked in jail till the kid turned 18. Making an example of them would have saved other kids from precisely the horrors they put their kid through.
I think most everyone who knows of that case, in hindsight, would agree everyone let that kid down, and it needn't have happened past the first incidence of neglect.
Did I mention the parents are health care professionals ???
Unfit mother, indifferent father, the kid had a horrific childhood until she was old enough to take over managing her care from her idiot parents. The kid should have gone foster/adoption, and the parents should have been sterilized and parked in jail till the kid turned 18. Making an example of them would have saved other kids from precisely the horrors they put their kid through.
I think most everyone who knows of that case, in hindsight, would agree everyone let that kid down, and it needn't have happened past the first incidence of neglect.
Did I mention the parents are health care professionals ???
The granting of a pardon is an imputation of guilt, and the acceptance a confession of it.