(April 16, 2016 at 1:19 pm)drfuzzy Wrote:(April 16, 2016 at 9:24 am)Little Rik Wrote:
Abiogenesis is all about theories.
Tons of it as you can see in here.
So many people guess and guess but none of them ever thought that from nothing you get nothing so
consciousness has got to be a factor in evolution therefore there got to be someone who originate this consciousness and create the universe.
So, Sickky Rikky, you have no concept of what "theory" means, huh? No surprise there.
And when you finally post a link to what you think are facts, it's a WIKIPEDIA article. You do know that wikipedia articles are banned from being cited in the majority of high schools and colleges on this planet, right? That's because they are crowd-sourced and frequently contain errors and incomplete information. (At least, that's how we explain it to 14-year-olds.)
If you post credible, peer-reviewed sources, you might actually get some folks here to discuss some of your ideas. You keep referring to some teachers' "research" - well, then, provide that research, or it doesn't exist. ALL we ever get from you is unsupported claims. The same idiotic unprovable babble over and over. And you call US stupid.PROVE some of your crap or shut the fuck up.
Blue quote: (if I can manage to translate this from your mangled attempt at the English language) this first-cause argument from ignorance has been posted ad nauseam hundreds of times on this forum, always without a shred of reliable scientific evidence, and consistently refuted. We prefer a simple "we don't know, not enough data" to "well there has to be a creator, therefore, gawd!".

Eaten those fuzzy mushrooms again, did you?

But let us start from Wiki.
1) You assume that I take for granted what wiki say.
Did I?
No I didn't Fuzzy.
I only show Pinky how many theories there are around.
That's all.
I never said that what wiki say is pure gold so please get lost with your accusations.

2) If you stop eating those fuzzy mushrooms and read properly what I write you will have noticed that I do not write ......consciousness IS a factor in evolution but I rather write ...............consciousness has got to be a factor in evolution .......
Can you see the difference among the two?

In the first case I would say something that has got to be true while in the second case I presume and I believe that that is true.
I just hope you have nothing to do with the justice system.
In this case you would send to jail innocent people all the time.
Have a good day anyway.