Let's start off this discussion with the obvious fact that without the fat bald european male religion wouldn't have take such drastic destructive role in our actual society, this is a very obvious fact that everyone should be aware of.
Anyways, think about how our entire society is shaped and molded after men and their points of views, wars, politics, government, over sexualized ads, the sole reason this world is screwed might be because of the human male.
Women have naturally a more pacific and gentle nature, which greatly increases when they become a mother.
If this earth was ruled by a mono gendered women species, would the world be any different? , the answer is YES.
Women would have created a FAR more peaceful society, without wars, hunger, famine, destruction, religion.
Of course religion would exist, but probably in a more indigenous kinda of way, women wouldn't dwell on the complexity of a imaginary stupid deity.
The truth of the matter is, the human male is the sole reason the world is screwed, death to all males. specially the fat bald stinky british male.
Starting Discussion.
Butthurt assholes status: Incoming
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Anyways, think about how our entire society is shaped and molded after men and their points of views, wars, politics, government, over sexualized ads, the sole reason this world is screwed might be because of the human male.
Women have naturally a more pacific and gentle nature, which greatly increases when they become a mother.
If this earth was ruled by a mono gendered women species, would the world be any different? , the answer is YES.
Women would have created a FAR more peaceful society, without wars, hunger, famine, destruction, religion.
Of course religion would exist, but probably in a more indigenous kinda of way, women wouldn't dwell on the complexity of a imaginary stupid deity.
The truth of the matter is, the human male is the sole reason the world is screwed, death to all males. specially the fat bald stinky british male.
Starting Discussion.
Butthurt assholes status: Incoming
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