I just used Mexicans as an example because when Sae asked me to post something serious the news channel had a story about mexicans protesting by burning a huge American flag, spitting on it and stomping it. I could really give a rats ass if anyone here things I'm a bigot. I'm not without some degree of prejudices (because I think they're impossible to escape) but I'm far from the bigoted asshole people would like to make me out to be, take it or leave it. I started up a serious conversation and I'm willing to rationally discuss it when baseless assertions aren't being thrown at me. If I'd have said Chinese imports or Islamic terrorists you'd probably have the same opinion so wtf ever.
"There ought to be a term that would designate those who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, since the word 'Christian' has been largely divorced from those teachings, and so polluted by fundamentalists that it has come to connote their polar opposite: intolerance, vindictive hatred, and bigotry." -- Philip Stater, Huffington Post
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari