(April 20, 2016 at 9:58 am)Stimbo Wrote: For the record, I don't necessarily think D-bag is much of a danger to anyone but himself, at least not as much as he tries to present. I think it's more that he gets his rocks off by playing the tough guy and watching the rest of us chase the little red dot.
Don't worry though, Drich, I still think you're a cunt.
1/2 a kudo to you, While i do like making the butt clowns chase after the red dot I am still not willing to eliminate a good old fashion spanking from my tools of child discipline.
It's not my goto one size fits all answer to everything, the butt clowns self righteousness will not allow themselves to hear that, so I just play to their vanity, and let them hang themselves on the extreme left fringe.