(May 1, 2016 at 10:05 am)Alasdair Ham Wrote: I prefer the internet. I'm less North-en and more Global-en.
As am I. Given my own genes, which are an excellent remnant of the melting pot my country has once been. So, in that sense I'm a traditionalist. Just hundred years ago, people didn't care if they mated with jews, bohemians, Germans or Hungarians. So why should I suddenly give a fuck? My family has a proud, and I mean proud, history of fighting fascism wherever it popped up it's head. Back when it was dangerous to do so. In the Austrian as well as the Spanish civil war and all through WWII. I certainly won't bow to the new kind of primitivity when there's next to no danger involved speaking out against it. I rather take a piss on the new nationalist turdheads than on the graves of my ancestors.