(May 3, 2016 at 4:51 am)Wryetui Wrote: I am starting this post because, so far, no atheist ever showed me evidence for their beliefs (or as you say, "lack of beliefs") and I am curious. I will play the person you believe I am, a "dumb redneck christian" and I will ask you things so you can answer them to me with evidence, of course. First question:
If God did not create the earth, how is it that we have an earth here and we live in it? Also, I beg, provide evidence for your claims.
I as an Atheist make no claims at all. I simply lack a belief for any god because the existence of god is the claim itself, therefore the one who claims god exists should provide evidence for the claims.
There are reasons, evidence etc as to how/why earth is here and we live in it. You seem to use the fine-tuning argument. How exactly is the universe fine-tuned for life? Life exists in one planet and doesn't exist in quintillions (many zeros) of others, not fine-tuned, is it? Also we live on this planet because the organisms that evolved adapated to the circumstances on this planet, the universe isn't fined tuned for us, we are "fined-tuned" for the universe. However, I won't provide you anything like that because it is completely irrelevant, because our lack of knowledge about how things work and why things are isn't evidence for god, nor does it point to god. If you do not agree with me show me how our lack of knowledge proves god's existence and why it proves specifically your god.
Also, don't use the bible as a credible source before you prove it credible first.
Before replying, read what I've said several times, do not ignore anything, and pay extra attention to the bolded text, thanks.