This is the Survivor thread, peeps! Keep it on topic!
I'm really thinking that Aubrey is in a tight spot and unless she wins final 4 immunity I think she might be voted out if Michelle can turn Tai. If that's the case, and it's a final two (which I think it's guaranteed to be because of all the medivacs) then I think there's strong likihood of a Michelle/Tai finale, in which case I HOPE that Tai wins because Michelle has been such a nothing player this season - but I fear that Tai will fall apart at the final tribal like he has at so many previous tribals and Michelle will win. I swear, Michelle is getting the "Oh, shit! We can't have an invisible player in the finals! We need to show her to the audience more!" type edit. That best explains, to me, why we've suddenly seen more of her for the past few episodes despite the fact that she hasn't been a mover-and-shaker in the game.
If Aubrey somehow survives the final 4 vote, she's got to win the final 3 immunity too, or whomever she's there with will target her and get her out in 3rd instead of 4th.
Regardless, I think if Aubrey gets to the end, she wins against anyone.
If Cydney gets to the end, she wins against Michelle or Tai.
If it's Michelle and Tai at the end.... that's harder to call.
This is the Survivor thread, peeps! Keep it on topic!
I'm really thinking that Aubrey is in a tight spot and unless she wins final 4 immunity I think she might be voted out if Michelle can turn Tai. If that's the case, and it's a final two (which I think it's guaranteed to be because of all the medivacs) then I think there's strong likihood of a Michelle/Tai finale, in which case I HOPE that Tai wins because Michelle has been such a nothing player this season - but I fear that Tai will fall apart at the final tribal like he has at so many previous tribals and Michelle will win. I swear, Michelle is getting the "Oh, shit! We can't have an invisible player in the finals! We need to show her to the audience more!" type edit. That best explains, to me, why we've suddenly seen more of her for the past few episodes despite the fact that she hasn't been a mover-and-shaker in the game.
If Aubrey somehow survives the final 4 vote, she's got to win the final 3 immunity too, or whomever she's there with will target her and get her out in 3rd instead of 4th.
Regardless, I think if Aubrey gets to the end, she wins against anyone.
If Cydney gets to the end, she wins against Michelle or Tai.
If it's Michelle and Tai at the end.... that's harder to call.
Teenaged X-Files obsession + Bermuda Triangle episode + Self-led school research project = Atheist.