(May 28, 2016 at 12:05 pm)Cecelia Wrote: I think Common Core is a bad system. Not all kids learn the same way. As a teacher if there's one thing I've learned, it's that the same method won't work for every student.
They used to also be against the expansion of Eminent Domain, but not so much any more.
I actually liked a lot about the common core for mathematics. Unfortunately the effects of No Child Left Behind led to inferior people in administration taking it upon themselves to decide what to emphasize and how to implement it. With all the work involved to implement this new curriculum, my district and school's administration wasted so much of our time in meetings learning methods they thought important (many of which didn't translate well to math instruction). They even went so far as to assign homework from meeting to meeting. They were entirely deaf to our requests for more time to actually focus on collaborating on delivering what is a pretty good but demanding curriculum. I am so happy to be retired and out of that mad house.