(June 19, 2016 at 7:16 pm)Nihilist Virus Wrote: "I can improve upon the morality of the Bible simply by copying it word for word and then reversing its position on slavery."Hey Nihilist, You know, you could shorten your list a bit and sum all those up with the exception of 2. and 3. It could read something like, Love your neighbor as yourself. Im sure nobody would notice it isn't original
-Matt Dillahunty
The morality in the Bible is bat shit crazy and that's no secret. Let's try to come up with a good list of 10 Commandments on our own that we can present to Christians and allow them to compare it to their own 10 Commandments.
When you respond, please try to do two things:
1.) Present your own set of 10 Commandments,
2.) See if you can find problems or loopholes in the 10 Commandments proposed by others.
This way, at the end, we can have a very refined, robust list. Christians say stupid things but it will take a very special kind of stupid, even for them, to reject this list or say it's inferior to the classical 10 Commandments handed down through Moses.
And please, no "bonus" eleventh Commandment. I know there's a lot to cover, so just cover the priorities.
For your convenience, you can use this template:
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
I'll start off with my list:
Thou shalt not harm thy fellow human being except in self-defense or when under orders.
Thou shalt not harm the beasts of the earth except in self-defense or to make use of their flesh.
Thou shalt not cause unnecessary suffering when harming any living creature.
Thou shalt not own thy fellow human being as property.
Thou shalt not rape.
Thou shalt not kidnap.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not indoctrinate thy little ones.
Thou shalt not persecute or promote a human being based on race or sexuality.
Thou shalt not observe evil and do nothing.

Islam has killed millions in the last decade, lets focus all attention on Christianity!