Let me just start out by saying that I think mass shootings get a far disproportional amount of media coverage and a far disproportional amount of threads here on Atheist forums. Before the emotional argument comes out (which is will anyway) yes, it's a tragedy. Every life is precious and I am not dismissing the tragedy felt by the victims of mass shootings. However the people who make those arguments never seem to have proportional sadness. It's also not necessarily a gun control thread, but more about the media. Although I am certain it will go in that direction. I'm not really trying to make any point about guns, but more about the media and these forums and who gets people's grief and sadness.
Maybe it's because the victims of mass shootings tend to be middle class and white and therefore get more media coverage. I'm sure that people will say 'I care about both. However not enough to bring it up, apparently. In 2015, which was labeled 'the year of the mass shooting' there were ~180 homicide victims of mass shootings when you use the FBI definition of 4 or more people killed not including the shooter. If you go by the more liberal definition that was popularized on reddit recently of it being 4 or more shooting victims rather then homicides, then the number rises to a little over 200. Amazingly these statistics are not easily available and I literally had to count it myself off of the gun violence archive. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/report...15?page=12
That same year, by the most conservative of FBI estimates there were 2,363 gang related homicides, well over 10 times the number of mass shootings victims, around 20% of total homicides in the US (sometimes you see a 80% stat, but as far as I can tell, that isn't backed up by anything.) Also I didn't separate the mass shootings that were gang related, so it's possible that there is cross over that is unaccounted for. Where as mass shootings in the worst year of mass shootings is around 1% of total homicides. Where is the media outrage, where are the threads on here? Are people desensitized, don't empathized because they can't relate, or are they just unaware?
Maybe it's because the victims of mass shootings tend to be middle class and white and therefore get more media coverage. I'm sure that people will say 'I care about both. However not enough to bring it up, apparently. In 2015, which was labeled 'the year of the mass shooting' there were ~180 homicide victims of mass shootings when you use the FBI definition of 4 or more people killed not including the shooter. If you go by the more liberal definition that was popularized on reddit recently of it being 4 or more shooting victims rather then homicides, then the number rises to a little over 200. Amazingly these statistics are not easily available and I literally had to count it myself off of the gun violence archive. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/report...15?page=12
That same year, by the most conservative of FBI estimates there were 2,363 gang related homicides, well over 10 times the number of mass shootings victims, around 20% of total homicides in the US (sometimes you see a 80% stat, but as far as I can tell, that isn't backed up by anything.) Also I didn't separate the mass shootings that were gang related, so it's possible that there is cross over that is unaccounted for. Where as mass shootings in the worst year of mass shootings is around 1% of total homicides. Where is the media outrage, where are the threads on here? Are people desensitized, don't empathized because they can't relate, or are they just unaware?