I will try and be short. Nearly everything A Handmade said is a poor example of bad practices of religion Christianity. It's no wonder why people turn away from any religion, there are exponentially more bad examples than good.
Christ is unarguably the most influential person to have ever lived. He made some serious claims to who He was, and in some opinions offered evidence and proof for these claims. If Christ is who he claimed to be, then it would seem prudent to give thought and consideration to what that means for us.
I merely suggest doing a little research and investigating it for yourself. The Holman Christian Standard Bible or HCSB is a good place to start; and it is translated for modern English. It may be of interest to you why this version is better than others that are out there. I will not go into detail as to why, this is better explained by researching it for ones self.
All in all the bible is a deeply intricate and interwoven masterpiece. Many people do not agree with or like what it says but that holds no sway whether it is truthful or not.
You have asked for evidence. It is out there imho, but it will require some legwork on your part.
Christ is unarguably the most influential person to have ever lived. He made some serious claims to who He was, and in some opinions offered evidence and proof for these claims. If Christ is who he claimed to be, then it would seem prudent to give thought and consideration to what that means for us.
I merely suggest doing a little research and investigating it for yourself. The Holman Christian Standard Bible or HCSB is a good place to start; and it is translated for modern English. It may be of interest to you why this version is better than others that are out there. I will not go into detail as to why, this is better explained by researching it for ones self.
All in all the bible is a deeply intricate and interwoven masterpiece. Many people do not agree with or like what it says but that holds no sway whether it is truthful or not.
You have asked for evidence. It is out there imho, but it will require some legwork on your part.