I agree that Criteria of Embarrassment has to be applied with caution but that does not discredit it. In far too many cases people apply it in the sense of "I would be embarrassed to write this" instead of "what would an author writing 1500 to 2500 years ago think?" Example: I often hear fundies proclaim that the exodus MUST be true because who would make up a story about being slaves? However, put in in the context of a time when there actually were slaves and the plot line becomes obvious. Even "slaves" can defeat mighty armies with 'god's' help.
Let's be honest, xtians were not embarrassed to write about a giant, talking cross coming out of the fucking tomb so it would take quite a lot to embarrass those shitheads.
Let's be honest, xtians were not embarrassed to write about a giant, talking cross coming out of the fucking tomb so it would take quite a lot to embarrass those shitheads.