(September 21, 2016 at 6:03 am)chimp3 Wrote: fdesilva : "All 4 means is that anything that happens in the universe can be given a location in space and time. The GPS coordinates for example.
So in relation to what is happening in my Brain at any give instant in time I can say that there is a nerve impulse located at coordinates x,y,z at 10 am UTC on the 21/9/2016 etc.
I am not saying we need to get the exact locations but rather that nerve impulses etc would have an exact location.
Now for more accepted scientific observation on nerve impulses."
Not trying to complicate your equations but are you taking into account the fact that the earth turns on its own axis at 1040 mph at the equator, the earth orbits the sun at 67,000 mph, and the sun (with us) orbits the Milky Way at 500,000 mph. Seems to me if we were trying to understand the foundation of all axioms the exact location of ones nerve impulses would be important.
My problem with what fdesilva is doing is that he is thinking in terms of discrete events. Sure you can think of reaching a voltage threshold and sending a signal down the axon of a neuron to release a vesicle as a discrete event, but the system as a whole is continuous even though it includes some discrete events. Getting back to the analogy of the car, you could think of a rotation of a wheel as being a discrete event but that misses out how fast it is rotating, whether it is speeding up or slowing down or slanted so the car will change direction. Or for that matter whether the tyre is bald or the type of terrain it is travelling on. I suspect that thinking in terms of discrete events is another form of binary religious thinking.
We have no reason to believe that consciousness can only exist if the computation is carried out by neurons. And if consciousness arises from the brain, as suggested by point 2 in an earlier post (if I have understood it correctly), then why do we need all these other axioms about free will, music, vision etc?
(September 20, 2016 at 12:02 pm)fdesilva Wrote: 2. Of the many activities in the brain a subset namely what is know as neural activities alone is taken to be fully responsible for the axioms.