(October 28, 2016 at 2:46 pm)Drich Wrote:Quote:Atheist's feel insecure when you question their god of 'science' as well.
Science is a way to assess evidence without letting your preconceived ideas or prejudices get in the way of establishing the facts. Of course you wont like it, preconceived ideas and prejudices are all you have.
Quote:well, when you show their faith in 'science' is no different in your faith in god they loose their ablity to control themseves too.
Science is different because every aspect of science can be supported by facts and evidence. I know you are a fact free zone but. Also the word is "lose" loose describes a jar lid that has already been taken off and not put back properly.
Quote:4. Because being an atheist is too easy and therefore boringQuote:You could always turn to trolling. I've noticed Many simple minded atheists do this when they get board. It is kinda the flagship reason atheist join religious discussions of anykind.
Quote:Good news! You don't need religion, all you need is a belt and a strong desire to do what is best for the child.
I'd quite forgotten the bible advocates child abuse,Thanks for reminding me.
Quote:I my experience with atheist's this is the reason they are so impassioned with what they don't believe.. For me, when someone says thor is real and is god, i say fine.. or if i want to talk comics I ask which version, and then discuss but in the end refuse to die on any argument concerning thor.(Meaning I don't let it get out of hand)
But people who kinda like Batman do not live their life by the way of Bruce Wayne. They do not oppress others on the basis of the laws of DC. Christians and other groups of theists inflict their delusions on others and that's were I get involved. Remember dude you came to an atheist site.
Quote:But the atheist seem to have to say God is not real ,God is not real... and when anyone challenges they must try and squash that person completely because they don't want to question or doubt the "god is not real" chant otherwise I think, they like you doubt themselves/feel guilt.
I can confidently say that god is not real due to the complete lack of any evidence to support its existence. I find it sad that in this day and age anyone gives it any credence at all.
Quote:That's not a god thing that is a I don't believe in killing babies thing. You don't have to believe in God to say it is wrong to kill babies.
Say it with me "abortions are not killing babies"
Quote:9. Because I don’t want to go to hell if it existsQuote:Neither do most atheists, so they come here and polish what i call their judgement day defense strategy. This basically means they work on an argument that shows God to be unjust, or rather in contradiction to some perceived attribute, that would make him unjust/not God, and by showing God this paradox on their judgement day they will force him to let them into heaven. Or at the very least shame him from sending them to Hell.
No I do not believe that hell is a thing its a real. This Atheists are secretly afraid of god/hell talk is based on a misunderstanding. I do not believe and have never believed in any of it. I suppose this is because you live in a place where your view is not abnormal. But I live in the UK and religious people are the exception, the few that are around are more or less left to their own delusions.
Quote:10. Because many people are religiousQuote:Well Atheism is a religion as well. It has an orgins story, It mandates one take a position on God, it shares common core beliefs and systems of belief. It even has 'churches of sorts..' (Don't look now but your in one)
All this time here and you still do not understand what an atheist is.
Quote:11. Because If I was an atheist I would kill anyone in my family, if they annoy me. But religion keeps me under control.Quote:Again since atheism is a religion you could easily adopt it's version of righteousness. You don't need God for that.
Atheism is an answer to a question. "do I believe in god?" "I do not!" stop trying to drag it down to your level.
Quote:Again, atheist have an similar issue in that they cant seem to understand how the universe exists with a creator. To create does not make sense to them. They cant seem to grasp the fundamentals of design and planning. They need to believe out of pure random chaos of an tremendous explosion comes order. So much so they spent billions and billions of dollars and built a huge supercolider, because they were so certain this fundemental principle of their faith was true, and have several years of running experiements where they are supposedly recreating this phenomiom central to their faith destroying quadtrillions upon quadtrillions of helium atoms in the process... what did they find? That their theory is 100% correct! only you need their machine to see it happen.. only you can't see it, you have to trust the machine.. Oh but, the machine can't see it either it can only show the decaying subatomic particals of the evidence that their theory is correct...
So what I get from this is because science does not know everything yet, therefore god.
I take a more pragmatic view.
There is a question of how the universe originated. Currently we do not have the tools to discover how it began.
The chances of the universe being started by some creature that shares features with the Abrahamic god, zero.
What Yahweh or whatever people are calling the creater myth these days was was a thing similar to all religions a creation myth. Something to tell the kids about why we are here. Just so stories if you will. Like how the Girrafe got ites neck.
Quote:But it is correct because 'science!'
It's the same confusion/mental block they make fun of christians for having, just for the other side of the arguement. If you could simply admit yours is a faith based narrative,
Science is the opposite of a faith based narrative.
Given the right tools you can check that it is true.
Whenever people have tried to check the religious narrative against facts they have had to move their god somewhere else so that now it has moved to a realm it has been made impossible to check for.
A sign that it does not exist.
Quote:just like theirs is a faith based narrative as well then all of that goes away. (Unless you were a atheist, because their narrative is all about truth and all of this shows them to be steeped in faith.) But because you are christian, you can assimilate whatever the current theory is and not have your 'spiritual identity' questioned for believing or disbelieving the current popular science theory or not
You make me sad Drich. A twenty first century man with the scientific literacy of a Neanderthal.
Quote:18. Because I can’t find an reasonable argument against God’s existenceQuote:All any honest person need do, is change their definition of reasonable and deny the faith it takes to accept their new definition, then one is forced to adopt that 'science' even fringe science is as stable as the 'science' that makes cell phones work. (you believe that? one of these talking monkey cousins told me that lol) So in essence, all anyone must do is, deny the faith one must have in 'science' then anything can become 'reasonable.
"Deny the faith one must have in science" You are really a good example of anti intellectualism and why the US is doomed.
Quote:20. Because I am debating and this makes me feel God existsQuote:The legitmacy of 'science' is also based on feeling. how one 'feels' about the explanation concerning what is or is not deemed 'proof.' otherwise 'science' would not have to work so hard to suppress unpopular theories.
Such a short sentence with so much wrong with it. By unpopular theories I take it mean areas where the facts do not conform with your prejudices. I am thinking probably intelligent design. But who knows with Drich.
Quote:No, God proves God. If you ever want an audience simply Ask, Seek and knock for Him on his terms as outlines in luke 11. For those who do not know God, your way (the things listed here) can easily be toppled with another interpretation of said evidence. and depending on who you are with and you ablity to resist peer pressure your faith will hang in the balance.
People who look for faith normally find a faith of one sort or another. My wife for example looked for faith, rejected Christianity and is a spiritualist. She asked soght and knocked and the spirits answered apparently.
Quote:Well, if you were atheist you'd undoubtedly be subscribing to the revisionist histories and would think the opposite. But if you can primary source your own research and do not depend on others to teach you history you can still have access to the truth.
The west was hugely influenced by Christianity. It was why it had such a long dark age. Only now is the damage inflicted by the centuries of believing a lie coming to an end.
You can fix ignorance, you can't fix stupid.
Tinkety Tonk and down with the Nazis.