Thanks for the rules Kyu, they look good. I don't see the point in an adversarial contest.
You're going to be speaking about hard scientific fact, and I'm going to be speaking about reasoning that no one will understand without converting to Christianity. Who's gonna score?
Also, If you're going to make it a point scoring system, then it seems doubly unfair that we debate a subject of your choice that you're obviously well practiced in and say that you hold a bank of material in readiness for.
I'd trust Leo to referee if he has the time.
You're going to be speaking about hard scientific fact, and I'm going to be speaking about reasoning that no one will understand without converting to Christianity. Who's gonna score?
Also, If you're going to make it a point scoring system, then it seems doubly unfair that we debate a subject of your choice that you're obviously well practiced in and say that you hold a bank of material in readiness for.
I'd trust Leo to referee if he has the time.