(sarcasm mode off)
I'm pissed enough at Hillary I don't give a rat's ass if Trump puts her in Gitmo or not. And if he does, there otta be big blow up pictures of her goddam fucking e-mail server on all the walls, the floor, and the fucking ceiling. She can wake up and go to sleep every fucking day looking at the fucking thing.
And maybe some pinups of Anthony "wanna touch my fucking' Weiner on her cell walls too. Shudda offed that motherfucker instead of Vince Foster.
And a great case could be made for quite a few other members of the Hillary Gang to do some serious time in some nasty shithole too.
I'm pissed enough at Hillary I don't give a rat's ass if Trump puts her in Gitmo or not. And if he does, there otta be big blow up pictures of her goddam fucking e-mail server on all the walls, the floor, and the fucking ceiling. She can wake up and go to sleep every fucking day looking at the fucking thing.
And maybe some pinups of Anthony "wanna touch my fucking' Weiner on her cell walls too. Shudda offed that motherfucker instead of Vince Foster.
And a great case could be made for quite a few other members of the Hillary Gang to do some serious time in some nasty shithole too.
The granting of a pardon is an imputation of guilt, and the acceptance a confession of it.