The Joker Wrote:mh.brewer Wrote:Joker, to me it seems like you set up the parameters that:
1) if you disprove evolution to your satisfaction
2) atheists don't prove evolution to your satisfaction
Sorry, it does not work that way. Maybe for the petulant and dull witted, not for me.
I appreciate your point, but I am having trouble accepting that common argument from atheists "It doesn't mean God did it".
The problem I see.
If it can be proven that we didn't come here by an accident by mindless dumb products of evolution without meaning or purpose, then we obviously know God did it, But the atheist may say "BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN GOD DID IT Just because we didn't come here by an accident through chance of evolution!" Well in that case if you prefer not to use the term "God," you may simply call him/it: "The Extremely Powerful, Uncaused, Necessarily Existing, Non-Contingent, Non-Physical, Immaterial, Eternal Being Who Created the Entire Universe...And Everything In It." With a meaning and a purpose to life.
If the universe isn't natural, it could be a pimply-faced geek at a computer who pressed the 'run universe' button. Do you want to call that God?
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.