(November 21, 2016 at 12:17 pm)Doubting Thomas Wrote: The way I see it is that Trump has dug a very deep hole for himself. He made a lot of promises to bring about a neo-fascist state that his racist supporters are hoping to see, where Mexicans, Muslims, and perhaps even Jews are kicked out of the country, gay people are forced back into the closet, and build a huge freaking wall along our southern border. So the way I see it is that he either ignores all those racist campaign promises (not like he can legally do all that anyway and the wall would ruin the economy) and face the wrath of the people who voted for him, or he tries to push through this agenda and faces the wrath of everyone else who doesn't want to see a fascist, pseudo-Nazi regime rule the country.
Of course, when he fails to bring back factory jobs he's not going to be real popular with his supporters anyway.
This will not change unless more people get wise to the 36 year scam corporate America has been pulling on society "You better look out for that anti private sector religion hating gay atheist secret Muslim black guy