(June 20, 2011 at 11:48 pm)liferocks Wrote: Hello everyone
Obvious that I am a follower of Christ among a forum of atheists, but let me thank you for letting me into your discussions.
Took a long time to formally introduce myself but in the mean time I have been reading a lot of your posts.
The reason that I am here is because recently I have been connected to several Christian chat rooms and forums and have found them redundant and boring. I myself have been a Christian believer all my life and have never known or understood anything beyond an intelligent Creator. I have had lots of discussions with atheists and I am very curious to know the thoughts and reasons driving the belief of an atheist. If asked I am quite happy to express my beliefs as well.
I do love to express how I feel as well as giving audience to others allowing them to express their views. I never try to tear anyone down or try to change them but be forewarned that I do like to ask questions, lots of questions.
By the way, I like paragraphs.
Also a special thanks to Shell B who has helped farmiliarize me with the proceedings allowing me to finally introduce myself.
Hey, welcome! I'll let you into the group. (Of course, it's not my group, so my permission doesn't mean a whole lot.)
There are other folk besides atheists on this forum, such as myself. They are generally a pretty welcoming bunch, and really don't care what you think as long as you don't make personal attacks or unsubstantiated statements. The general tone around here I have found is ideas are always subject to questioning, but persons are not. (That is, unless they earn it.)
"Be ye not lost amongst Precept of Order." - Book of Uterus, 1:5, "Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her."