For me, any scientific argument against religion is exceptionally weak. I have heard atheists ask where all the water came from and went for the global flood, demanding a scientific explanation. And I have seen theists actually try to give one (and fail miserably). But here's the thing, it was magic. There IS no scientific explanation for magic. If God created the universe and set in motion the laws which govern it surely she can violate those rules at will.
The strongest argument I can think of is, "Show me the evidence". Christians avoid trying to do this like the plague because, of course, there is none. But if you want me to believe fantastical tales of magic, if you want to sell me eternal life, and only AFTER I die, no less, I'm going to want some proof. I wouldn't just walk up and give you cash for a car if you didn't first give me some reason to believe it was yours to sell, and that's a normal, ordinary, mundane, completely non-magical, every day, nothing out of the ordinary thing. My money has value and I want some evidence that I'm going to get something in return for it. How much more value does my very life have? Because that's what you're asking for when you try to convince me to convert to your belief system. You are asking that I devote my life, my time, my money, the storage space in my head, all to learn about, support, worship and expand the empire of some deity. And you want me to do this just on your word that it's true? It'd be cheaper to hand over the money for the car and hope for the best, but I'm not doing that either!
The strongest argument I can think of is, "Show me the evidence". Christians avoid trying to do this like the plague because, of course, there is none. But if you want me to believe fantastical tales of magic, if you want to sell me eternal life, and only AFTER I die, no less, I'm going to want some proof. I wouldn't just walk up and give you cash for a car if you didn't first give me some reason to believe it was yours to sell, and that's a normal, ordinary, mundane, completely non-magical, every day, nothing out of the ordinary thing. My money has value and I want some evidence that I'm going to get something in return for it. How much more value does my very life have? Because that's what you're asking for when you try to convince me to convert to your belief system. You are asking that I devote my life, my time, my money, the storage space in my head, all to learn about, support, worship and expand the empire of some deity. And you want me to do this just on your word that it's true? It'd be cheaper to hand over the money for the car and hope for the best, but I'm not doing that either!
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