Wait. By unfriending people that try to justify racism or the mimicking of special needs, I'm making a mistake? I disagree. I would not enjoy sharing time with someone of such values, so why would I waste that time? Like I said over and over again, I don't unfriend people just for thinking differently, but I do have principles. I don't need to be friends with a racist or a bully to hear what they have to say. Some people take the whole concept of being open minded to a whole other level. Fuck being friends with someone who can address making fun of a person with cerebral palsy and think it's acceptable behavior. What part of that is irrational? Have you read the rest of the thread, or did you stop at the OP? If you read the rest and still think I'm making a mistake, then I'll agree to disagree. I don't waste friendships on bullies. I can't work around that.
"Hipster is what happens when young hot people do what old ladies do." -Exian