(April 4, 2017 at 8:13 pm)MysticKnight Wrote: In all languages, there is always a concept of false gods or idols.
Worship at the end is nothing but what we value the most.
If it's ourselves we value the most, then we are our own god, and if we have many things we value on par with each other like prestige, wealth, out of the love of the self, they are all gods and idols.
The question is, why do people then not call themselves, "Self-Worshipers" if they disbelieve in a Creator? Or "Human worshipers + sex worshippers + wealth worshipers" etc....
Because it intrinsic it is a petty thing to worship all these things.But why when the word worship simply what we value most?
It's because we know intrinsically, we ought to value without limit. If we worship things other than the Source of all Value and the Absolute being, we feel ashamed. We naturally feel ashamed.
That is why Atheists never would say yes they believe in gods, but just not a supernatural one.
It's so shameful, to worship other than God, that no one wants to say it. We want to do away with the words worship and gods as if they never had meaning among society.
We laugh at people who took other than the Absolute being as gods, and some Atheists try to use it to show how stupid the claim of God is.
But why would it be funny if God didn't exist?
What is so wrong about believing in higher beings than us that we value more than ourselves by a high amount?
And is it more redicoluous than valuing ourselves and others the most, to the extent we are own gods?
We naturally understand that Ultimate thing to be Valued is without limit and everything derives its value from it.
In reality, everything ought to pale in comparison to how much we value it to the ultimate being.
Let's see if people really realized they cannot do without valuing something the most and to which their hearts are enslaved to.
We all worship something, but what is truly worthy of enslaving our hearts but the beloved who is the Highest love?
Questions remain like: How are we glorifying this absolute being. The answer is the name of God. The name of God is the mysterious answer but if there is means to worship God, then it is by which is he is known and by the path of which love aims and heads towards accurately. The Name of God is God's Captain and leader who extends his light to all things.
The question is how do know we are connected? There is two ways to look at it, one to see the connection in oneself or to experience the connected to. If the former, the question is what is connected to and what it is glorifying....and how did it get connected to us and all things that glorify God.
If the connected to, the question is how are we connected?
These go together, the connected to and the connector.
The connected to is the named, and the connector is the name, the connected to is what we are being led and driven to, while the connection is the leader and driver.
May peace be upon you. May his blessings and his mercy be upon you.
No no no no no no,
Our resident theists also make the same arguments, our resident Christians as well.
Roadrunner and Catholic Lady and Neo and Steve also argue "most people believe".
I agree most humans do. But that is not because a real god exists, or that any religion is required. It is because humans get sold the religions of their parents. It is much easier for a human to buy what they are sold before they can question it than it is to question from the start when they don't have all the information. Humans at birth are not born with adult thinking skills.
That is what makes it easy for an adult to convince a child Santa is real. That is also why Ponzi schemes work. If you know more than your mark, even if it is just more awesome sounding lingo , or you are just as deluded as your mark who is less informed, but your mark isn't as equal to you as far as information, you have the upper hand. Convincing another human being is easy. Convincing an informed human being when they know better is , much harder.
Most humans would not be theists if they were born with the knowledge of world history and world science. The problem is most humans are not. Trust in humans is a double edge sword. It does produce safety in numbers, but when you know nothing, your well meaning parents can pass on to you the falsehood their parents sold them.