Just shows how cynical, unethical and opportunist they are.
While Lulzsec was making fools of the FBI, the copyright lobby (MAFIAA, Media and Film Industry Association of America, a perjorative given to the MPAA and RIAA's joint activities) took the opportunity to try to push forward the PROTECTIP act, even though hacking and cracking had absolutely nothing to do with intellectual property (IP).
As I said, cynical, unethical, opportunistic assholes.
While Lulzsec was making fools of the FBI, the copyright lobby (MAFIAA, Media and Film Industry Association of America, a perjorative given to the MPAA and RIAA's joint activities) took the opportunity to try to push forward the PROTECTIP act, even though hacking and cracking had absolutely nothing to do with intellectual property (IP).
As I said, cynical, unethical, opportunistic assholes.