(April 8, 2017 at 10:22 am)Jeanne Wrote: Hello all.
I certainly agree that all who engage in debate should understand that the individual is not the group and we can definitely love the theist while hating the theism; they are after all our fellow human beings, children of nature who share the Earth with us.
That the tracks of their deity beliefs have often defiled humanity makes it difficult to accept any benign intent and yet, intelligent atheists can see that often that intent is there. Humans have a tendency to twist everything into something destructive and religions are no exception.
When a person's reasoning and logic begins and ends with ancient texts of questionable authority cobbled together by superstitious power mongers, we must assume that they are operating with a handicap. It may serve them well, so they think, but it is not what is required to live a fulfilling and honorable life.
The dogmatic requirements of some sects to keep them safe from demonic influence and the reliance upon prayer and the study of scripture is to my mind an incredible waste of time and energy. But...that is their choice. And if debate is part of the way they get the message to non-believers, that too is their choice. I understand that. I am forever amazed that Christians believe that I am "seeking" something and that they are here to help me find it.
It passes the time, while allowing me to foster the atheistic point of view...well, my own anyway...and renews my "faith" in my own reasoning and ethical code.
This message was not aimed at solely Christians or Christianity. I include every single religion worldwide, including Hindu and Buddhist. It is a romantic myth by many in the west that Buddhism is superstition free. If you do research in the earliest known mythology of the first Buddha you'd know even that character is born from a Royal mother in Queen Maya who is told by the divine world that she would give birth to Buddha as a gift of wisdom to the world and his birth also in that mythology also avoids the birth canal.
Again, I do not point these things out because I hate my fellow humans, but simpy in that I hate bad logic, and considering how far our species has progressed with the modern tools of science, I find it unnecessary to cling to bad and old claims. Just like most humans no longer buy into claims of Apollo or Thor.
If our species never questioned social norms our species never would have left the caves.