Hi Crunchy.
Although I did pick up on your phrase, the post was addressed to all here who are the opinion that atheists are less than they should be if they are not Statists/Leftists/Progressives/Democrats.
My post reflected my concerns with why this should be so and then why the nasty bullying...not necessarily from you in particular.
Although I don't know if you are directing your last sentence to me or not and if you are then you may be in that same nasty bullying group.
Although I did pick up on your phrase, the post was addressed to all here who are the opinion that atheists are less than they should be if they are not Statists/Leftists/Progressives/Democrats.
My post reflected my concerns with why this should be so and then why the nasty bullying...not necessarily from you in particular.
Although I don't know if you are directing your last sentence to me or not and if you are then you may be in that same nasty bullying group.
"The Ox is slow, but the Earth is patient."