(April 14, 2017 at 2:45 pm)Divinity Wrote:(April 13, 2017 at 6:18 pm)Jeanne Wrote: If that is the case, then why the nasty bullying of any atheist who disagrees with the Progressive Agenda? Are you asserting that we are less intelligent than you are? Are you claiming that we are less informed than you are or less educated? Are you afraid that anyone who disagrees with you might be making sense to someone else?
Yes, I have no problem asserting that conservatives are less intelligent, less educated, and less informed.
Just like I have no problem asserting that Christians and Muslims have ass-backwards beliefs.
All you have to do is fucking look at how they form their opinion.
Striking Syria?
During the Obama Administration:
Democratic Support: 38%
Republican Support: 22%
During the Trump Administration:
Democratic Support: 36%
Republican Support: 86%
Obama? Golfer in chief! Vacationer in Chief! Wasting Tax Payer Dollars.
Trump? He's working while golfing. Sure, he goes to Mar-A-Lago just about every fucking week! Sure it's costing the taxpayers more than two of Obama's years, but there's a difference... Trump's a Republican!
Experts agree on Global Warming? THEY'RE ALL LIARS!
We need to cut Medicare because we spend too much. We need to spend more on the military though, even though we spend more than the next fucking 9 countries combined.
Corporate Welfare is just taking advantage of the system.
People who need Welfare to eat are just moochers!
The whole "Fuck the poor" mentality is going to get people told to fuck off too.
People can believe or think whatever the fuck they want. But they don't get their own set of facts, and they don't automatically get the respect of others.
Hello Divinity.
You are speaking about generalities and using leftist talking points, which may give a smattering of insight into ideological Democrats and Republicans, but not much into people who consider more than ideology. The major difference in the poll you mentioned is the change in the Commander In Chief. Even die-hard military families were reluctant to sign onto much that Obama was pushing in the last few years as they were unwilling to risk more children in empty sacrifices at his request.
But...none of the items you mentioned speaks to why some atheists here do a direct reversal of opinion about their fellow atheists when they discover that we are of a more conservative political viewpoint...or more importantly to you and others, it seems when they find that we are not standing directly in line with a total progressive political viewpoint.
If you and I had never discussed anything except my materialist atheism, you might have assumed that I was educated, informed and able to communicate lucidly. But...now, because I write that I am have conservative viewpoints, you feel free to insult my education and my intelligence.
That is the question; why do atheists have to toe the Statist line in order to be thought intelligent? Why do Statist Atheists feel that they must insult and bully atheists who do not agree with them politically?
You know only two things important things about me; I am an atheist and I am not a Progressive/Statist/Leftist/Marxist.
What should I assume about you, Divinity? Your set of facts is incomplete. You rely on talking points provided by the Statists. You tar all atheists who are not of your exact political point of view as ignorant and uneducated and uninformed. You assume way too much for a person that does not know me at all and that bias is soooo not part of the Progressive's dearly held belief that only they are tolerant and seek diversity of thought.
If I were a minority...Oh, wait...I am. Well, then you are racist, my dear Divinity! That is with the new "racist" definition to mean prejudice and hatred of a minority.
Why do you hate? Why do you assume to know that which you do not know? Why do you use insults to bully people into "sitting down and shutting up?"
An atheist should know better. We are both atheists. Don't you think that what I did to find myself an atheist lends some credence to my other life considerations and viewpoints?
A shallow insult in reply here will reveal much more about the person you are, then ever your insult could about me.
Seems like it shouldn't be this way among atheists, who think we are above average in intelligence. Seems like we should be able to handle the fact that atheism is only a non-belief in deities that does not automatically designate any other opinion or viewpoint...and it seems that we should be able to discuss topics without feeling threatened by our differences.
Maybe not, though.
"The Ox is slow, but the Earth is patient."